GAITF History

Global Academy Institute of Technology Foundation Inc. is a non-profit and non-sectarian education was created last October 2011 through the initiative of Martina N. Alegre with the support of her family namely Edgar N. Alegre, Edna A. Roa ,Edward Alegre, Edwin N. Alegre, Edelito N. Alegre, Eddie N. Alegre,Sherly Benignos, Aleli V. Alegre, Beth Alegre, Wilmar Alegre, Blandy Acacio, Shirley Benignos,Juliet Davin, Cyril Alegre and Perpecto Cabradilla. To address the needs of the community and to access quality education with in the Municipality. This was the dream of their late father Alberto Alegre I, formerly the Vice-mayor of this Municapility.

The foundation was established by the following purposes: Provide basic (early childhood, elementary, high school), vocational, higher, and non – conventional or alternative education for the total development of individual students in an academic environment conducive to teaching and learning; To promote community development through skills, knowledge and people empowerment, assistance, and open/operate TESDA Assessment Center and Information Center; To promote moral recovery and social responsibility with community involvement; To provide better access and facilities to enhance level of competence and literacy; To provide scholarship program, educational assistance/allowance, and educational financial assistance; To provide community development assistance, financial assistance and livelihood program; To provide program for Human Resource Development and Peace Building towards the achievement of peace and child protection; To work for Improvement, Protection and Livelihood Program to Farmers and Workers; To promote preservation of culture heritage, cultural facilities and relics; and Promotion of sports, music , arts, and health.

GAITF leads by the vision to envisage a world of equity, justice, and peace where people achieve their full potential and live a life of quality and dignity in harmony with the mission to provide program and support to our poor and abandoned brethren through community services and assistance center. To empower, promote and protect the right of every individual. To create content that educates, informs and inspires. To create lasting solutions to poverty, hunger, and social injustice.

Global Academy Institute of Technology Foundation (GAITF) Inc. is duly accredited with the Philippine Council for NGO Certification (PCNC), Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), Certified as Donee Institution by Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), and granted Special Consultative Status by the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) since July 23, 2015.

Global Academy institute of Technology Foundation, was officially registered to Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) last November 4, 2011 with Certificate No. CM2011132568 and granted permits Pre-school, Elementary, High School as well as TESDA TVET Program through Unified TVET Program Registration and Accreditation System. The school was founded by their mother with the assistance of their siblings headed by the eldest son Mr. Edgar N. Alegre.

Mrs. Martina N. Alegre who was the founding President of the school. As of November 15, 2011, the Local Government of Titay, Zamboanga Sibugay then adapted through Sagguniang Bayan, the accreditation of the Foundation as Non-Government Organization (NGO) with SB Resolution NO. 284-s-2011. As of 2012, the foundation granted permit from DepEd to operate Kindergarten-Grade 6, Secondary Level from first year to fourth year. The Foundation applied to Department of Education (DepEd) a permit to operate and eventually granted Government Permit with the provision of the Kindergarten to Grade Six, First to Fifth year levels of Secondary Education Curriculum (Night Class). In the same year, GAITF was officially granted Government Recognition for the First to Fifth year levels of Secondary Education Curriculum (Night Class), 4-Year Secondary Education Curriculum.

As of 2013, TESDA granted TVET Program like Driving NC II with the Certificate of TVET Program Registration No. WTR-201309052044, Computer System Servicing NC II with the Certificate of TVET Program Registration No. WTR No. 201609832065, Bookkeeping NC III with the Certificate of TVET Program Registration No. WTR 12090503045, Trainer’s Methodology Level I with the Certificate of TVET Program Registration No. WTR 201309051109. In 2016, Events Management NC III with the Certificate of TVET Program Registration No. WTR No. 201609833077.

As of February 11, 2014, DepEd granted permit for 5-Year Sundays Technical High School Program, 6-Year Secondary Curriculum Day and Night Classes (Academic, Tech-Voc, Sports and Arts) and has Provisional Permit for the Senior High School from 2016.

As of October 26, 2016, GAITF, was an Accredited Competency Assessment Center for Events Management Services NC III with the accreditation No. AC-EMS0309831618117, Bookkeeping NC III with the accreditation No. AC-BKP030983179119, Trainer’s Methodology Level I with the accreditation No. AC-TVT0109831618120, Computer System Servicing NC II with the accreditation No. AC-CSS0209831618118

As of 2017, GAITF is legitimately granted the MOBILE TRAINING PROGRAM which was under TESDA Program like Computer System Servicing NC II with the Certificate of TVET Program Registration No. MTP No. 2017092005,Bookkeeping NC III with the Certificate of TVET Program Registration No. MTP No. 2017093004,Events Management Services NC III with the Certificate of TVET Program Registration No. MTP No. 2017093003 and lastly Trainer’s with the Certificate of TVET Program Registration No. WTR No. 2017091006.

As it started in school year 2012-2013 all the students in high school were Alegre family scholars up to the present there are still numbers of students from grade 8 to grade 10 who are their scholars and which is now recently catered by the foundation under the Educational Financial Assistance (EFA).

After two years operation, there were first 12 graduates under TVET Program. In 2015 there were 14 graduates, 2016 there were 10 graduates and in 2017 there were 10 graduates’ under TVET Program which some of them are now working.

The institution is committed to provide quality education, empowering competent, responsible individuals, moral and ethical values and to produce highly desired graduates for growth sectors of the economy.

To provide support to mentally, physically and emotionally challenged individuals/employees needing help in their workplaces for meaningful work, growth and development, communication and employee relations/services.

According to the testimony of Mr. Joel M. Carbonel, one of the GAITF staffs, that Global Academy Institute of Technology Foundation Inc. is a school with complete package. They have Kinder, Elementary, Junior High School Day and Night, Senior High School and College. It is also a school that offers more scholarship program to those students who are poor among the poorest. Being one of the High School Teachers of Global Academy Institute of Technology Foundation Inc. sometimes in year 2012-2014 I’m so proud and believe that this school will improve because their mission and vision is to uplift the socio-economic status of the family through helping free scholarship program. I myself this school is for MAKAMASA. It was really amazed that the school is offering full scholarship to mostly of its student. As a faculty staff in GAITF, I am so grateful to have shared and imparted my knowledge in order to mold the young children.

Indeed, the growth of the institution means a continuing and a growing commitment for academic excellence, quality and productivity for national development and global competitiveness, not only that GAITF also continues to prepare its students and personnel’s in meeting the challenges of the present. Ever mindful of the prevailing conditions and cognizant of its strengths, weaknesses and hopes for  the loving God and supportive loving community.


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